IWAMOTO Shin-ichi
- Specialization
- Modern Japanese History/History of Ideas
Many historical sites and traditions have survived to the present day in Kyoto, including Heian Jingu Shrine and the city’s three major festivals: Aoi Matsuri, Gion Matsuri, and Jidai Matsuri. Students explore their historical backgrounds, attending lectures and conducting fieldwork that takes them to experience these sites and festivals for themselves.
Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the history of the Japanese archipelago from ancient to modern times by analyzing Japan's past from the three standpoints of region, society, and people. In doing so, they develop the multiple perspectives required for historical understanding, from the lifestyles of a people to the structure of its community.
Gaining a well-rounded understanding of all four courses
In their first year, students learn the basics of literature, history, society, and Japanese culture to understand the different features and research methods employed in these fields before choosing their course. Students learn about elements of culture and the formation of modern society before pursuing a research topic that interests them.
An extensive knowledge and language base as inspiration for self-reflection
Students deepen their understanding of themselves and others through language and acquire the skills needed for research starting with the basics, including picking a suitable topic from among their interests, reviewing past research and conducting fieldwork, and summarizing and presenting their ideas in a logical manner.
Building expertise
Students choose to specialize in one of four courses : literature, history, society, or Japanese culture. They deepen their specialist knowledge by participating in lectures covering introductory topics or cultural history and seminars examining the literature under leading authorities in their chosen field and time period.
Learning research methodologies in seminars
Students explore their research topics in small-group seminars with peers who share their area of interest. In addition, students develop a research plan for their third-year fieldwork program under the guidance of their supervisor.
Conducting research through fieldwork
Students go out into the field to test all that they have learned from their course. Students gain a genuine understanding through firsthand experience during a two-month period outside of campus, immersed in a different culture and society where they come in contact with diverse value systems. This experience gives them new perspectives, expands their horizons, and helps them develop original ideas.
Verifying research findings
After completing their program, students return to campus to reflect on their research. They collate the data and material they collected in the field and compile this into a report. Students report their research findings to faculty members and their peers and further deepen their understanding through feedback and discussion.
Giving shape to ideas
Students prepare a graduation thesis on their ideas based on the deep knowledge they gained in the first three years. For students to write a logically coherent and readily comprehensible thesis on a topic they are interested in, supervisors provide one-on-one guidance every step of the way, from research planning to proofreading.
Japan’s “Traditional Performing Arts” Live On: The example of Yufukuji District’s Festival Music Preservation Society in Togo Town, Aichi Prefecture
This thesis describes the hereto unrecorded history of festival music in the Yufukuji District while cataloging the current situation and issues facing the district's Festival Music Preservation Society. In particular, the thoughts and opinions of the local people (namely that of the preservation society) are incorporated into a consideration of how the region's traditional performing arts are perceived and what it means to safeguard these art forms for the local community today.
The Samurai Who Lost: The Late Edo, Warring States, and Azuchi-Momoyama Periods
I consider the history of the losing samurai in the late Edo, Warring States, and Azuchi-Momoyama periods. There is a tendency to think that only the victors whose names were recorded for posterity forged an era; however, those who were defeated also played their part in history. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the past from multiple angles and not just from one point of view. This thesis examines the Shinsengumi in the late Edo period and the western armies in the Warring States and Azuchi-Momoyama periods.
The Family Crests, Flags, and Battle Standards of the Warring States Period: Their Origins and the Thought Behind Them
This thesis explores the origins and thought behind the family crests, flags, and battle standards of four generals active during the Warring States period, known as the Four Heavenly Kings of the Tokugawa: SAKAI Tadatsugu, HONDA Tadakatsu, SAKAKIBARA Yasumasa, and II Naomasa. The research covers the early origins of family crests, explanations for the use of flags, banners, battle standards, the four men's personal history, and the reasons they were called the Four Heavenly Kings. It also offers thought processes behind their respective crests, flags, and standards as people who lived during the Warring States period.
Travel agencies, tourism and service industry, NPOs and NGOs, advertising, manufacturing, retail distribution, and many more.