ティーター・ジェニファー・ルイーズ TEETER Jennifer Louise


応用言語学、言語復興、マイノリティ・スタディーズ/applied linguistics, language revitalization, race and gender studies

  • 人文学部 社会コース
  • 国際文化学部 人文学科 社会専攻



Born in a suburb of Chicago in Illinois, USA. After coming to Japan in 2002 and teaching English in a high school in Toyama, she worked for an organization for international exchange, later teaching at the university level. She has visited over 50 countries through work and travel, researching minority-led educational initiatives. She explores issues of race, gender, and other aspects of identities and how education can be used as a vehicle to broaden understandings of these issues.


Languages are more than just subjects to be learned in a classroom, but“living”tools to help you connect to people, knowledges, ideas, and cultures. Learning languages can also help you improve your own native language skills while providing you with a variety of health and mental benefits. I hope that through my classes, students will come to understand the joy of using languages while considering how they can make transformative impacts in their societies.