ユー・スギョン YOO Sookyung


マンガ研究・制作 / 表現論

  • 人文学部 国際日本学コース
  • 国際文化学部 グローバルスタディーズ学科 国際日本学専攻


Studied in the Story Manga Course as an undergraduate and in the graduate school of Arts at Kyoto Seika University (Ph.D in Arts). Currently a researcher at Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center and a member of the Center for Africa-Asia Contemporary Culture Studies of the same institution.
She has been doing research mainly about representation theory of manga, especially about how visual expressions of manga change in different cultures and media.


Manga has been loved for a long time as a fun and easy medium. It is widely known that even a difficult theme can be understood easily through manga. However, why is it more fun and easier to understand in manga?
The secrets that make manga fun and easy are related to its symbols and visual expressions, which have accumulated over decades. Depending on what kind of expressions and methods you choose, the final outcome can greatly vary, even with the same theme or story. Of course, it is important for an artist to have the skills to create what they imagine in the way they want, but thinking objectively to choose effective expression methods is equally important, because manga is created to be read. In line with this, manga research and studying representation theory is not only for researchers but also for creators in general.