セシル・ラリ Cecile LALY


日本の美術・現代文化・ポップカルチャー / 視覚文化 / グローバル化 / 国際交流

  • 人文学部 人文学科 共通教員
  • 国際文化学部 人文学科 共通教員


Born in France, she has worked in France, China, and Japan. She holds a Ph.D. in art history from Paris-Sorbonne University. Her research work first specialized in the history of Japanese photography (her thesis was an analysis of the modern review Kōga, 1932-33) and then in the Japanese kite culture (she took an interest in it when she was working as a research fellow at the musée du quai Branly in 2014). In her classes, she focuses on Japanese visual culture seen from a global perspective. She is also a member of several Academic Societies (SFEJ, EAJS, Society for the Study of Japonisme, etc.), a committee member of JapArchi, and the President of Sciencescope.


What is art? What is culture? What is a stereotype? What is soft power? These concepts vary from one country or one language to another.
Let’s study contemporary Japanese arts and culture from a global perspective.
